Explore better with Ex3 Science Software Solutions
How do you ensure the integrity of the scientific process and simultaneously assure that all of the employees engaged in the scientific process remain healthy and safe?
How do you ensure the integrity of the clinical process so that you are able to pass independent and peer-review with full assurance?
How do you manage the laboratory process, the inventory of laboratory equipment, chemicals, and all of the steps in the daily routine of running the lab with total efficiency?
The business of science has a lot of moving parts. Ex3 helps you manage them all with Ex3 enterprise solutions for science.
Ex3 Science Software Solution Functions Include:
Laboratory Management – Ex3 helps you determine, design and implement the most efficient processes for your research endeavors ensuring efficient operations and assuring compliance.
Chemical Inventory Management – From pre-order evaluation to ordering, receipt, distribution and daily location and movement Ex3 provides full container based management of chemical inventories, select agents and laser and radiological sealed sources for your laboratory. Ex3’s chemical inventory management is so powerful and complete that it has been the choice of US Department of Energy National research facilities and nuclear laboratories.
Job Hazard Analysis and Total Risk Management – From quick JHA assessments to full stepwise operational risk management process evaluation with hazards and measured risks identified and mitigated, Ex3 does it all. Our hazard analysis capabilities have been chosen and implemented by the US Military to help mitigate risk in military and non-military operations.
Industrial Hygiene Qualitative and Quantitative Assessments – JHA not enough? Ex3 provides full textbook qualitative and quantitative industrial hygiene assessment capability to help you manage the safety of your operations and to protect your staff.
Occupational Clinical Management – Management and scheduling of human resources, rooms equipment and other clinical resources including equipment inventory and calibration. Daily management processes all integrated with Ex3’s enterprise electronic medical records software solution for occupational health and wellness management.
Electronic Medical and Health Records Management – Ex3 provides full electronic medical and health records systems for occupational health and personal wellness. Ex3 is one of the oldest and most successful EHS software system providers in the US and globally.
Medical Surveillance and Wellness Programs – Management of recurring observation and monitoring programs for industrial exposures is made easy with Ex3 enterprise EHS software solutions. Includes recurring programs and blood, urine, hair follicle, respiratory, audiometric, vision, absorption as well as airborne, skin and laser and radiological exposure monitoring.
Environmental management – Ex3 offers environment software solutions for carbon foot print tracking and calculation following global green house standards and Kyoto protocol standards. Ex3 enterprise EHS software solutions include waste stream management, dangerous goods and hazardous shipping, hazardous waste disposal, TSDF tracking.
Corporate Social Responsibility – Ex3 software solutions for the management of corporate social responsibility activities and projects with planning, management and ROI tracking.
Clinical Trials — Ex3 also serves as a clinical resource organization for data management of clinical trials data.