Lab Performance/Clinical Trial Management

Regulatory Compliance, Laboratory Process and Clinical Trial Management

Clinical Trial Management System (GSSI)

Ex3 has created systems for accurate and detailed management of clinical trials involving human subjects.  Ex3 systems manage the entire work flow process from start to finish. Protocol creation, IRB, Compliance, Subject Registration, Scheduling, Documentation and Analysis.

Regulatory Compliance Management

Ex3 Regulatory Compliance Management was created to help deal with the mountains of paper work and regulatory filings required. By adding filing requirements, filing schedules, and form elements in the system Ex3 then automates the process with alerts, reminders, electronic forms and validations and electronic filings where applicable. Ensure 100% compliance.

National Pharmacogenomics Registry (NPGxR)

Ex3 stays on the leading edge of Science. The National Pharmacognomics Registry was designed to assist Genomics Laboratories through the CMS qualification process. Pre and Post assessments are recorded to measure results against treatment protocols proving the viability of genomics based personalized medical regimen.