Teach better, learn better, know better with Ex3’s Educational Platform
Ex3 offers a complete Online E-Learning educational software delivery platform designed to support schools, colleges, university, corporate learning management, and professional associations with training, certification and continuing education requirements.
We understand that managing education is more than content delivery. Ex3 brings best-known practice from Global Learning Organizations, so you and the people you are responsible to educate can know better. Ex3 is here to help move your organization forward.
The Learning Organization understands that the ability to deliver an effective learning experience is dependent on its ability to understand and support the needs and performance of its facilities, staff, and learners and adjust its resources accordingly.
This is true whether you are a school or any organization that has learned that education is an effective tool for continuous improvement and excellence.
Everyone wants to believe that “Education Pays” but remains keenly aware that education (as well as the lack thereof) has a price. To be efficient, an organization needs to know that its resources are performing at their best as well as in a cost effective manner.
You want the people you serve to be better informed. Ex3 helps you reach your goals by bringing successes from industry giants to your Learning Organization.
Ex3 has the broad spectrum of knowledge and experience to help any organization better know the effectiveness of e-learning educational software & it's programs and learn, for itself, where the opportunities are for gains in efficiency and process for best overall performance.
Whether your interest is very specific, such as instantaneously delivering content to a widely distributed audience across the globe, or a yet-to-be-determined gain in efficiency, Ex3 has the experience that can benefit your organization.
With over twenty years in the field of global organizational efficiency and continuous improvement, Ex3 is uniquely qualified to help your organization learn ways to better reach your goal of excellence.
Examples of successful clients:
Ex3 provides online education for certification and continuing education for Professional Skating Coaches across the US.
Online education for American Association of Occupational Health Nurses: Includes materials for certification and continuing education opportunities.
US Navy: Ex3 implemented the E-Learning Academy for the US Navy to deliver operational risk management training to US Naval personnel worldwide. Within the first 30 days Ex3 successfully delivered the Navy ORM curriculum and administered exams to over 75,000 personnel. This was a breakthrough in training delivery for the US Navy.