Ex3 Complete Online University

Ex3 Online University has been designed to offer everything you need to take your school online. From registration through graduation Ex3 has you covered.

Student Registration

Secure online portal for the qualification and registration of new applicants and new students. Workflow process managed with configurable validations.

Curriculum Builder

Creating tracks, sections, classes and specific class offerings along with an easy to use interface for instructors to load class materials and link rich media educational content.

Prerequisite Association

Who's on first? Ex3 allows the setting of prerequisites and other requirement criteria.

Section and Class Enrollment

Online course catalog with track section and class offering. Onine enrollment for registerred students. Class size allocations and limits respected. Online payment processing for course enrollment and special fees.

Supporting Media

Ex3 supports loading of course content along with supporting resources from the web or hosted directly. This includes various media types, such as documents, pdfs, links, audio, video and rich presentations.


Track time logged in, participation, posts, submittals and video conference time.

Quizzes and Testing

Support the learning process by creating online quizzes with feed back on areas needing attention, next steps,test preparation. Secure online testing with random generation of question sets.

Student Records

Secure and full student records maintained for life with all pertinent correlations.

Credit Accounting

Full tracking of educational credits required, earned to date and pending.

Financial Tracking

Detailed financial accounting. Income, expense etc. Full financial reporting.