Safety Awareness and Active Audit Management
"It is an expectation of society that when we send our children off to school they will be returned safely home to us."
Ex3 Campus and Student Safety Awareness and Active Audit Management is a multi faceted program for the identification and removal of any campus safety hazards and associated risks. It includes an eductation component that teaches faculty and student alike how to recognize potential hazards, a reporting component to enable the reporting of concerns, hazards and conditions that may pose a risk, and the tracking of actions taken to secure the safe conditions of the campus thus ensuring the safety of the students.
"The Ex3 system is based on behavioral safety programs created for and used successfully to identify and remove hazards and reduce injury and illness rates in the world’s leading companies."
Hazard Recognition Training
Curriculum created to help every recognize unsafe conditions and to report them. We help everyone become an active participant in the task of keeping each other safe.
"Who is responsible for safety? Every one of us!"
Safe Campus, Safe Student App
Mobile app for students and faculty alike to recognize and report unsafe conditions. Every one of us becomes the eyes and ears of the safety program. Video, audio and photo upload capable.
Corrective Action Management
Once conditions have been reported all followup activities are tracked to ensure the removal of any and all unsafe conditions.