Job Hazard Analysis and Risk Management

Ex3 offers a comprehensive Software Solution for job hazard analysis and risk management for your organization, with full functionality across the needs of operational risk management (TRACS) teams. This system allows for Simple JHA assessments, as well as full formal industrial hygiene qualitative assessments, quantitative assessments per AIHA standards, and further to full operational risk assessments. Ex3’s Software Solutions meet military specifications as well.

Simple JHA

Ex3’s Simple JHA assessments have been developed using operational knowledge, inspections, and observations. Ex3 supports form based simple questionnaires and assessments to identify potential hazards and rate risks. This is a simplified form of qualitative assessment typically used in low risk situations.

Qualitative/Quantitative JHA

This is a formal, constituent-based analysis of inherent hazards and controlled risks. Ex3 supports formal qualitative and quantitative industrial hygiene and hazard risk assessments based on textbook methodologies that are standard across the industries we serve.

Total Risk Assessment and Control System - Military Spec.

Ex3’s Total Risk Assessment and Control System has been developed in cooperataion with the US Department of Defense, United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), and the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) for standardization of hazard analysis and risk mitigation methods across US Military Forces globally.

  • Formal seven step approach.

  • Multi-functional approach to risk identification based on based on the 5-M Incident Investigation Model.

  • Powerful, globally accessible, cloud-based survey and assessment tools.

  • Create custom surveys which can be sent and responded to via mobile devices.

  • Record audit findings, assign corrective actions, track completion.

  • Record observations, assign actions, ensure compliance.

Having worked with the worlds largest companies as well as NASA, the US Department of Energy, and the US Department of Defense on hazard identification, risk assessment, ranking, rating, and mitigative procedures, Ex3 understands your world and is uniquely qualified to support your organization.

Our tools are based on over twenty years of safety and risk management experience.