Industrial Hygiene Management

Identifying the actual level of risk in today's workplace can be a difficult task. However, being able to do so is becoming increasingly important every day for both the company and for the individual worker. Questions must be answered about the amount of exposure, the amount of exposure over time, and the potential effects of that exposure. Modern equipment can detect and record levels of workplace exposure. Your ability to understand what that information means is paramount.

Ex3's Industrial Hygiene Management module provides for cross-site, cross-facility, and cross-department statistical analysis reporting from both qualitative and quantitative assessments. Specific reporting features such as chain of custody and employee notification are available. Airborne, noise, laser, and radiation assessments can be easily managed using this module.

You can only evaluate risk that you can measure. Industrial Hygiene Management streamlines the process and allows you in-depth view of areas of risk, as well as potential and actual exposures.