Behavioral Health Information Platform

The Ex3 Behavioral Health Information Platform (Ex3 BHIP) is our latest Software Solution.  With over 20 years of experience in the delivery of electronic medical record systems, Ex3 brings experience and knowledge in the delivery of the most advanced EMR products available to the Behavioral Health world.

The Best Solution for Your Organization

Whether you represent a single community-based clinic or an AOD facility, a consortium of integrated behavioral health facilities, or a major hospital system or health plan desiring to integrate behavioral health and primary care, Ex3 has a solution for you.

Implemented as a cloud solution and operational on the widest variety of devices, Ex3 BHIP places the power of real-time access to patient records in the hands of your staff.  Accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year through our secure interface, you have access to what you need when you need it no matter where you are.

Proactive Management Tool

The Ex3 Behavioral Health Information Platform is based on the latest technologies and has been designed to bring the highest level of efficiency to your organization. 

This fully cloud-based system provides comprehensive data recording and reporting for complete clinical operations. The system provides easy and immediate access, within strict security parameters, to patient information ensuring that clinicians, counselors, and other care team members have access to the data they need to ensure optimum care. 

Access to the system is provided through encrypted Secure SSL and is role driven, increasing security within personal medical and HIPAA privacy requirements.

Ex3 BHIP has been optimized to run across Windows and macOS devices, as well as iPads and other mobile devices, providing secure access from anywhere as needed.

Ex3 BHIP is also configurable to meet all state and federal standards.

Customized support and implementation

Ex3 provides full support through the entire project life cycle.  Our experienced staff will stand behind you to help you get past roadblocks and keep you on track with the right solution.  Our expert consultants provide full support and contact after system implementation to ensure continued smooth operation into the future.

System features

The Ex3 Behavioral Health Information Platform is a cloud-based system that runs across browsers and devices:

  • Runs on Windows and macOS devices

  • Runs on iPadOS, Android, and other tablet devices

  • Requires minimal bandwidth

  • Is optimized for quick and flexible information retrieval

  • Is process-driven rather than form-driven

  • Has been “human factor engineered” and incorporates an easy to use graphical interface

  • Allows for global accessibility

  • Provides real-time, immediate, access for the entire Care team

  • Provides SSL Secure Encrypted with multiple security levels

  • Provides full administration from application front-end

  • Meets CMS and Meaningful Use Requirements

Available Modules

The Ex3 Behavioral Health Information Platform contains all functionality needed for full operation of behavioral health facilities. The following list highlights the breadth and depth of available capabilities within Ex3 BHIP:


  • Front-desk view

  • Check-in/check-out

  • Scheduling for individual and group appointments


  • Client demographics

  • Financial responsibility

  • Assistance qualification

  • Preliminary mental health assessment

  • First visit

  • Case load assignment and management

  • Initial mental health assessment

  • Initial integrated service plan


  • Appointment scheduling for individuals and groups

  • Labs – blood, urine, hair, and DNA

  • Diagnosis DSM 4 and DSM 5/ICD 9/ICD 10

  • Treatment

  • Medications

  • Clinical notes and documentation

  • Program/service tracking

  • Electronic signature capture & routing

  • Audio, video, and static document attachment

  • Integrated care team management

Home Health

  • Integrated primary care

  • Vitals

  • Diagnoses

  • Treatment

  • Medications

  • Clinical notes


  • Integrated eScript functionality


  • Integrated billing validation at the earliest possible point

  • EDI generation and interface

  • Exception handling

Professional Credential Validation & Management

  • Auto notify when credentials are due for renew

  • Service block upon expiration of credentials to avoid fines and ensure billings are not refused

Productivity Tracking & Reporting

Ex3 BHIP supports tracking and reporting of caseloads and other productivity reports to assist in management of clinical staff.

Administrative Reporting & Dash-Boarding

Ex3 BHIP supports a full variety of administrative reports and can be linked to third-party tools (business objects, etc.) for ad-hoc generation of graphical reports.

Statistical Analytics

Granular level data capture allows for detailed analysis of the entire date set. Ex3 offers full statistical analytics as an add-on service.

Single or Multi-Agency Support

Ex3 BHIP is scalable to support the needs of large health plans, multi-agency consortiums, single clinics, or small community serving organizations.

Integrated Multi-Agency Care Team

Ex3 BHIP supports integrated care teams across multiple agencies and entities, enabling coordination of service far beyond the capabilities of any other currently available EMR.

Communication with Mainstream Hospital Systems

Ex3 can assist in integration of intake at local hospitals enabling the redirection of patients to the appropriate current care team, thus avoiding unnecessary hospitalization.

Person-Centric Rather than Clinic-Centric

Ex3 approaches medical records from a person centric view rather than clinic centric. Ex3 enables the care team to know everything about the patient regardless of location or agency of service and supports record updates regardless of location or service.

Fully Compliant with Personal Medical Privacy and HIPAA Requirements

Ex3 BHIP supports compliance with Personal Medical Privacy and HIPAA Requirements. Members can control who has access to information, what information can be accessed, and allowable time period for access. Custom notifications will alert users to expiring consents or access limitations.

Integration with Payor Claims Systems

Ex3 supports the creation of EDI files for claims submittal and can also accept upload of historical claims increasing the richness and value of detailed patient records.

Integrated Case Management

Ex3 can be configured to support integrated case management capabilities allowing audit and optimization of patient care.


Ex3 offers the most advanced EMR available for the management of Behavioral Health Organizations.  With over 20 years of experience in electronic medical records Ex3 brings capabilities beyond the dreams of other providers and systems. The future is available today with Ex3.