Environmental Management
Software Solutions to help you manage global carbon footprint, GHG, Kyoto protocol compliance, chemical inventory and container movement, hazardous waste, sustainability and social responsibility.
Environmental Management
Environmental Management is more important today than ever before. The legal implications that arise from not having an Environmental Management process are more compelling, and thanks to Sarbanes-Oxley and the growing influence of corporate social responsibility, the results of managing environmental issues are critically important.
Ex3 provides you with powerful solutions for Environmental Regulatory Tracking and we work with you to ensure your success.
Improve environmental and reputational risk management.
Meet and exceed stakeholder expectations of what constitutes a well run, responsible business.
Ensure compliance with relevant environmental laws, regulations and codes.
Reflect your commitment to principles on labor standards, human rights, environmental responsibility, and combating corruption.
Global Carbon Footprint Management
Complete management of direct and indirect consumption, emissions, and carbon footprint of green house gasses per the requirements for Tier I, II, and III of the Kyoto Protocol for your entire global operation.
Management of all Sustainability Index factors.
Planning and execution of Corporate Social Responsibility projects.
Chemical Inventory and Container Movement Management
The Chemical Management Module is designed to manage the chemical and agent tracking needs of business, laboratories and research centers. It does so by enabling you to manage data associated with both commercially sourced and internally produced chemical substances from procurement or initial production through depletion and disposal. This Module can be used to optimize consumption and reduce waste.
Complete “cradle-to-grave” inventory management, regulatory and hazard characteristics, regulatory list management, chemical consumption data, chemical ingredients, MSDS/GHS documentation, and other related components are available to support individual chemical management needs.
This Module enables you to meet reporting requirements for federal, state and local entities.
Hazardous Waste Management
Hazardous waste is any solid, liquid, or gaseous waste material that may pose substantial hazards to human health and the environment if improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of, or otherwise managed. Every industrial country has had problems with managing hazardous wastes. Improper waste management has necessitated expensive cleanup operations in many instances. The Hazardous Waste Module helps to prevent future problems through source reduction (eliminating hazardous wastes at the source), recycling, treatment, and proper disposal of hazardous wastes.
The Ex3 Environmental Waste Tracking and Reporting Tool makes it easy to generate hazardous waste manifest forms for transport of hazardous waste, bill of lading for transport of dangerous goods, and IATA shipment forms.
This cloud-based Software Solution enables the tracking of information relevant to waste stream generators, waste stream profiles, and TSDFs. This gives you complete real-time tracking and reporting of waste by constituent, category, and characteristic at your fingertips.
Industrial Hygiene Management
Identifying the actual level of risk in today's workplace can be a difficult task. However, it is becoming more important every day for both the company and for the individual worker. Questions must be answered about the amount of exposure, the amount of exposure over time, and the potential effects of that exposure. Modern equipment can detect and record levels of workplace exposure. Your ability to understand what that information means is paramount.
Ex3’s Industrial Hygiene Management Module provides for cross-site, cross-facility, and cross-department statistical analysis reporting from both qualitative and quantitative assessments. Specific reporting such as Chain of Custody and Employee Notification are available. Air-borne, noise, laser, and radiation assessments can be easily managed using this Module.
You can only evaluate risk that you can measure. The Ex3 Industrial Hygiene Management Module streamlines the process and allows you in-depth view of areas of risk, as well as potential and actual exposures.
Noise Control and Audiometric Management
The hearing of workers exposed to noise can be monitored through regular audiometric examinations. Testing alone is not a preventive mechanism, but it is an important part of managing risks from noise exposure in a workplace. Any changes in a person's hearing levels revealed by audiometric testing should be investigated as to their cause(s) and the need for corrective action.
The Audiometric Module assists in the diagnosis, treatment and management of hearing and balance disorders.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Complete management of planning and execution of corporate social responsibility projects.